Colonization of bodies. The bodily differentiation in the process of colonial domination

  • Tairon Villi Universidade Federal do Paraná
Keywords: colonization of bodies, coloniality, identity


This article provides an overview of the process of colonization of space and the colonization of bodies and the continuity and permanence of this colonial process through coloniality, based on the arguments of Achilles Mbembe and Walter Mignolo. There is also a case study on the colonization of bodies from the novel Impuesto a la carne (2010), by Diamela Eltit, articulating the historical universe elaborated by this author with the concepts of bodily reasoning and bio-political, by sociologist Oyeronke Oyewumi.

Author Biography

Tairon Villi, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Es estudiante de doctorado en Historia en el Programa de Posgrado en Historia de la Universidade Federal do Paraná - Brasil (UFPR), en la línea de investigación Arte, Memoria y Narrativa. Maestro en Teoría de la Historia (UFPR). Especialista en Historia Cultural con énfasis en Antropología por la Faculdade Espírita do Paraná. Bacharel en Historia, Memoria e Imagen por la UFPR.


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How to Cite
Villi, T. (2021). Colonization of bodies. The bodily differentiation in the process of colonial domination. Revista Telar ISSN 1668-3633, (27), 305-322. Retrieved from