Reconstruction of the self, collective memory and violence in His step, by Carlos Bischoff

  • Aylen Pérez Hernández Universidad de Concepción
Keywords: Latin American testimony, truth, collective memory, violence, Argentine dictatorship, Carlos Bischoff


The article proposes, based on certain theoretical foundations, an approach to the work of the Argentine journalist Carlos Bischoff, His step, winner of the prestigious Casa de las Américas Literary Prize in the category of Testimony. Alluding essentially to the assumptions related to literary testimony, violence and truth, the deconstruction of the text in question is attempted based on certain humanist theories. These theoretical foundations are put in function of the formal and structural analysis of His step with the purpose of understanding several issues related, fundamentally, with thereconstruction of the self after a context of extreme violence; as well as with the problematic of the truth in said scriptural task. At the end of the article, is presented an interview by the author to the writer of the aforementioned testimonial, Carlos Bischoff.

Author Biography

Aylen Pérez Hernández, Universidad de Concepción

Periodista Licenciada por la Universidad de La Habana, Cuba, con tesis sobre el testimonio literario latinoamericano. Actualmen- te estudiante del Programa de Doctorado en Literatura Latinoamericana de la Universidad de Concepción, Chile, con tesis en desarrollo sobre el funcionamiento del binarismo antropocéntrico hombre/animal en obras testimoniales de las dicta- duras del Cono Sur. Becaria CONICYT. Investigadora del proyecto FONDECYT: “El problema de los animales en las escrituras del yo latinoamericanas de las últi- mas décadas”. Galardonada en la categoría Doctorando con el Premio Internacio- nal de Ensayos en Humanidades, Ciencias Sociales y Derechos Humanos de la Universidad de Córdoba, Argentina con el trabajo: “Tres obras de la dictadura latinoamericana: el hombre-máquina y los mecanismos de poder”.


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How to Cite
Pérez Hernández, A. (2020). Reconstruction of the self, collective memory and violence in His step, by Carlos Bischoff. Revista Telar ISSN 1668-3633, (24), 179-212. Retrieved from