Six Japanese characters speaking in Latin. Dialogue and cultural translation in Duarte de Sande’s De missione legatorum iaponensium ad Romanam curiam

  • Paula Hoyos Hattori Instituto Superior de Estudios Japoneses; Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Dialogue, Japan, Society of Jesus


This paper focuses on the first Japanese Embassy to Europe and its literary version De missione legatorum iaponensium ad Romanam curiam (Macau, 1590), attributed to the Portuguese Jesuit Duarte de Sande. This text is considered as an interesting early modern source for studying the linguistic and cultural passages between Europe and Japan. In this dialogue, the main characters are the four ambassadors and two other Japanese who have not traveled outside Japan. The latter ask the former about their journey, and the European manners and habits. As a result, the De missione legatorum... becomes a didactic dialogue about Europe for Japanese readers. This paper first discusses the dialogue as a genre, and the peculiarities of this Jesuit enterprise. Then, the paper deepens in the ambassador’s voices (Christian and Japanese at once), and the way they build a certain “rhetoric of Otherness” (Hartog, 1991) for his countrymen. Their peculiar points of view allow them to find the strangeness not only in Europe, but also in their homeland, Japan. Then, they can read the world in a relativistic way, as Michel de Montaigne has done (1590). Finally, the comparision with Fróis’ Tratado would shed new light onto the way in which the dialogue built a relativistic perspective.

Author Biography

Paula Hoyos Hattori, Instituto Superior de Estudios Japoneses; Universidad de Buenos Aires

Doctora del área de Literatura por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. En esa misma casa de estudios, desde 2011 dicta clases de Literatura europea del Renacimiento. Recientemente ha sido designada rectora del Instituto Superior de Estudios Japoneses (A-1542). Investiga los primeros encuentros culturales entre europeos y japoneses (siglos XVI y XVII) desde una perspectiva que combina el abordaje literario y el histórico. Ha publicado artículos especializados en revistas de América Latina, España y Japón.


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How to Cite
Paula Hoyos Hattori. (2023). Six Japanese characters speaking in Latin. Dialogue and cultural translation in Duarte de Sande’s De missione legatorum iaponensium ad Romanam curiam. Revista Telar ISSN 1668-3633, (30), 1-15. Retrieved from