No Heaven Dearer. Temporalities, Human Rights and Paternity in the Theatrical Representations about the Malvinas War

  • María Luisa Diz Universidad de Buenos Aires Universidad Nacional de Avellaneda
Keywords: Malvinas War, theatre, temporalities, Human Rigths, paternity


In 2012, on the commemoration of the thirtieth anniversary of the Malvinas War, an explosion of plays thematized and problematized the war conflict of 1982 from different perspectives and genres. The National Theater Institute, dependent on the Ministry of Culture of the Nation, organized its 14th National Competition of Theater Plays around the 30th anniversary of Malvinas. The second prize was won by the play No Heaven Dearer with drama by Carlos Balmaceda and direction by Rodrigo Cárdenas.
The piece stars the characters of five kelpers, four Englishmen and one Scotsman, and a 19-year-old conscript soldier from the Province of Tucumán, and the play is part of the small corpus of comedies that resorted to humor and parody to talk about the war. This article proposes to observe the dramatic text together with the audiovisual record of the staging to investigate the following three axes of analysis:
–The intersection of three temporalities: the 70s through its revolutionary aesthetics; 1982, the year of the Malvinas war and 2014, the year of the premiere of the play that is part of the context of “Malvinization” and implementation of policies of memory, truth and justice during the period 2003-2015, in which the political vocabulary of human rights resignified certain practices that military cadres had towards their soldiers during the war as crimes against humanity.
–The staging of figures or tropes that articulate the Malvinas war with the topic of human rights.
–The recurrence of homosociability and parent-child logic in the narrative configuration, in dialogue with the proposals of Julieta Vitullo (2012).

Author Biography

María Luisa Diz, Universidad de Buenos Aires Universidad Nacional de Avellaneda

Doctora en Ciencias Sociales y Licenciada en Ciencias de la Comunicación por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Docente de la materia “Memoria, Derechos Humanos y Ciudadanía Cultural” en la Universidad Nacional de Avellaneda (UNDAV). Coordinadora General de Clepsidra. Revista Interdisciplinaria de Estudios sobre Memoria del Núcleo de Estudios sobre Memoria (CIS-CONICET/IDES). Co-directora del Proyecto UNDAVCyT: “Ecos de Malvinas: Memorias, Derechos Humanos, Representaciones Teatrales”, radicado en el Departamento de Cultura, Arte y Comunicación de la UNDAV. Investigadora en temas de Teatro, Memoria y Derechos Humanos.


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How to Cite
María Luisa Diz. (2023). No Heaven Dearer. Temporalities, Human Rights and Paternity in the Theatrical Representations about the Malvinas War. Revista Telar ISSN 1668-3633, (30), 1-32. Retrieved from