Time and modern subjectivity in two chronicles of Ruben Darío

  • María Victoria Chighini Arregui INHUS (UNMDP-CONICET) CELEHIS (UNMDP-CICPBA)
Keywords: chronicle, Rubén Darío, subjectivity, temporality


“Barcelona” and “Málaga” are the two chronicles that open the first part of Tierras Solares, by Rubén Darío. This volume was published in 1904 and comprises the corpus of chronicles written in the context of a trip undertaken by the Nicaraguan poet through different cities in Europe.

In this work, we will focus mainly on a comparative analysis of both chronicles. They have been selected for the difference in tone and, at the same time, the proximity of their location within the work, which generates a counterpoint between the two that we can relate to modern subjectivity. To do this, we will analyze how the chronicler investigates the temporal density of the spaces he runs through. With regard to “Barcelona”, the subject positively perceives the progress of society and having left behind certain ancient customs. On the other hand, in the case of “Málaga, through a narrative in motion, which reproduces the movement of the subject along a walk through the city, the chronicler draws attention to different elements that have survived the advance of modern progress.

Author Biography


Es Profesora en Letras por la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (UNMDP). Becaria doctoral del Consejo Nacional de InvestigacionesCientíficas y Técnicas (CONICET). Miembro del grupo de investigación “Latinoamérica:literatura y sociedad” dirigido por la Dra. Mónica Scarano, así como del Centro de Letras Hispanoamericanas (CELEHIS) de la Facultad de Humanidades de la UNMDP y del Instituto de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales INHUS (UNMDP - CONICET). Su investigación sefocaliza en el modernismo, en las crónicas de Rubén Darío. Ha publicado artículos en revistas, reseñas académicas y capítulos de libros sobre el tema.


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How to Cite
Chighini Arregui, M. V. (2022). Time and modern subjectivity in two chronicles of Ruben Darío. Revista Telar ISSN 1668-3633, (28), 159-174. Retrieved from http://revistatelar.ct.unt.edu.ar/index.php/revistatelar/article/view/579