Readers and readings in La Edad de Oro (1889) by José Martí

  • María Clara Avilés Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata
Keywords: Edad de Oro, José Martí, Readers, Reading, Magazine


This article presents thoughts on the concept of reading that José Martí exposed in the illustrated magazine La Edad de Oro (1889). For it, we will get back to the barthesian proposal about the concepts of reader and reading, which where present in a brief corpus of articles written by the French semiologist. In this supposedly-for-children magazine, the narrator presents themselves as a producer of meaning in two levels. The first one deals with a novel reader proposal, “the boys and girls of America” while the second contemplates the first person narration using the first grammatical person in the chronicle dedicated to the Exposition Universelle of 1889 in Paris. This text was the core article for the third issue of the magazine and it concealed very well the fact that Martí had never visited the French capital other than by means of reading others who did.

Author Biography

María Clara Avilés, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata

Profesora y Licenciada en Letras por la Universidad Na- cional de Mar del Plata. Ayudante graduada simple en Literatura y Cultura Latinoamericanas I (UNMDP). Becaria de posgrado de la UNMDP y alumna de la Maestría en Letras Hispánicas (FH, UNMDP). Investigadora en formación del grupo “Latinoamérica: literatura y sociedad” (CELEHIS, INHUS, FH, UNMDP).


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How to Cite
Avilés, M. C. (2019). Readers and readings in La Edad de Oro (1889) by José Martí. Revista Telar ISSN 1668-3633, (23), 155-170. Retrieved from